So what is the "big" project?

It's a first-person shooter. It makes use of my 3D software renderer: an old school raycasting engine. Not raytracing, but raycasting. It's all semantics really, but technically there's a big difference between the two. Raycasting casts rays on a 2D plane, whereas raytracing casts thousands of more rays on a 3D plane. Raycasting is like a stripped down version of raytracing, giving it a major speed boost, but the downside is that the world is only 2D but tricked to make it look as those you're in a 3D world (you can't truly look up or down). Old games like Wolfenstein 3D used this technique.

So you might be asking yourself, "Why is this looney using an outdated style of graphics rendering?" Well, I could spend my time on a true 3D polygon rendering engine, but I was amazed by raycasters when I first read about them and saw some demos. I've always wanted to make a game using something like this. So far I've yet to make one. So really I'm just trying to finish something I started many years ago when I began researching this technology.

Here's another screenshot from the game. Here I am shooting plasma balls at a goblin-like creature.

This raycasting engine supports 24bit true color mode, textured walls and floors, animation, sprites, semi-transparency, and some other cool stuff. Everything, from the game to the engine, is being programmed in FreeBasic.

I am programming and organizing this engine to be easy to use so anyone can download it and use it for their game if they wish.

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