Catloaf 5200: What happened to it?

Screenshot from the unreleased Catloaf 5200.

Not too long ago, I announced that I was working on a sequel to Catloaf 2600 entitled, Catloaf 5200. I even put up a page to promote the game here with a release date of August 8, 2008. As you can see, that date as long since passed. So what happened?

Catloaf 2600 was a simple ascii game consisting of common, easy-to-program puzzles. The puzzles were ordinary obstacles such as unlocking doors, trap-avoidance, memorization, and Sokoban-style block pushing.

The game was a fun project. Why not make another? So I started on another, to be called Catloaf 5200. If you haven't figured it out yet, the numbering is a reference to the old Atari consoles of the 80s.

Though when I got into programming 5200, I hit a wall. I wanted to introduce fresh puzzles, so that 5200 would stand out on its own from its predecessor rather than being just an extension of it.

I came up with a couple ideas, but not enough to fill the map. So that's what halted the project. I guess I'll have to make some compromises to finish the game, but right now it's currently on hiatus until I get some inspiration.

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